
Posts Tagged ‘omelets’

Perfect right now

What isn’t perfect right now? But I ate this last night and it was…more perfect than anything else. It’s an all-local, all-available-at-Rosemont omelet (there are hundreds of those, but this could be your gateway drug to them). Cooks super-quick so it’s fine when you don’t want the stove on long. Nothing fancy — just simple, pure, and strong:

  • 3 eggs, scrambled, seasoned with salt (Maine Sea Salt, mmmmm…) and pepper (sorry, it’s not quite all-local)
  • 3 garlic scapes, chopped
  • a healthy hunk of goat cheese, crumbled (Sunset Acres, Fern Hill, or whatever your favorite is)
  • 2 Tbs. butter (I so love Kate’s unsalted)
  • some chopped parsley and tarragon (from Freeport’s Sharon Ritter)

Mix the herbs in with the eggs. Soften the garlic scapes in your egg pan, in 1 Tbs. butter on low-medium heat, 3 minutes or so. Scrape the scapes into the eggs, add the remaining butter to the pan and turn it to high. Add the eggs and help them do their omelet thing. When there’s almost no liquid egg left, add the cheese, flip and get it on a warmed plate. Eat.

Maybe that warmed plate already has some simple boiled new potatoes in butter (or dressed with olive oil, capers and minced red onion), and a salad, or some tomatoes sliced and sprinkled with sea salt. Maybe next to that plate is a glass of Jean-François Mérieau Touraine Sauvignon Blanc, or Mercuzio Chardonnay. Maybe — no, no maybe about it — everything’s perfect.